
24信息联考卷W: Good point. And never ski alone, in casenext tor you?something happens. Always let someoneW: I'm now working on the next part of theknow your sking plans and estimatedseries. It will show more of the characters'10/10urn time. growth and the changing problems in theM: Let's go have some fun and be safe outfairy world. I'm eager to share it withthere! We should also be aware of thereaders.weather conditions and dress appropriately toText 10stay warm and dry.M: Cambridge University Library, foundedText 9in 1424, is one of the largest libraries in theM: Sarah J. Maas, welcome to our show.world. It has a long and rich history. StartingAll present today want to know whatwith just 76 donated books under themade you write A Court of Thorns andChaplain's care until 1577, it has sinceRoses?grown. Its collection is extensive, totalingW: Well, I love fairy tales. I wanted to makearound 15 million books, with 8 milliona story with their appeal and also touchhoused in the main library. It houses about·英语(一)答案(第9页,共10页)·100, 000 Chinese books. Special collectionsits holdings. In addition to its physicalsuch as the Acton Library and the Royalcollections, the library also provides access toLibrary, along with Darwin's works, add totens of millions of electronic resources. Theits reputation. As one of the six big librariesnew library building, designed by Gilesin the UK and Ireland since 1710, it isGilbert Scott, opened in 1934. It is not only aentitled to receive every publication in bothplace for storing books but also a significantcountries, which has significantly increased cultural and historical landmark in Cambridge.