

《双语学习报》2024一2025学年高二·新高考基础版第12期测试题参考答案及部分解析第12期测试题参考答案1-5 BABBA6-10ACACA11-15 CBABC16-20 BBCAC21-25 BDADD26-30 ABCBA31-35 DDDBA36-40 CADBF41-45 CBADA46-50 DBCBD51-55 CBCAD56-65(One possible version)56.bathing57.which58.has processed59.into60.a61.basically62.fewer63.completion64.Constructed 65.using写作(One possible version)第一节Hi,Eric,I'm Li Hua,from Class 1,Grade 2.Learning from your post about looking for a guide toexplore the city at weekends,I'm delighted to help.As a native here,I have a good knowledge ofthis city and can show you around.I'm planning to take you to local traditional villages,where you can experience the lifestyle ofthe locals.We can also visit traditional markets and historic attractions to give you deeper insightsinto Chinese culture.If you're interested,let me know what time works for you.Looking forward to introducing youto the city.Yours,Li Hua第二节Paragraph 1:However,what Dad said to me next left me speechless.He said that since he entered the bank,he'd met five of his friends and chatted with the staff who knew him well by now.At his age,hewould value the company of people.Youngsters,like me,are often too absorbed in online worldsto spend time with their parents,leaving them feeling lonely.So for him,visiting the bank,themall,and the grocery store could be more than just completing errands;it was about humaninteraction.He just looked forward to these encounters,and didn't mind the long queues.Paragraph 2:"Now,tell me,my son,will I have such human connections if everything is done online?"myfather asked.I apologized to him and expressed how deeply regretful I was for not understandinghis true needs and for not spending as much time with him as I could have.Since then,I havemade it a point to never miss an opportunity to be with my family.I even organized a three-daytrip with them,something I hadn't realized they needed.As young people,we should be attentiveand make an effort to understand what our parents truly need,as technology isn't everything tothem.第12期测试题部分答案解析阅读理解