


M:I'm working on a farm,Cindy.It's a part-time job.W:Interesting!How long have you been working there?M:Actually,since about half a month ago.I'm doing it with three of my friends.We all decided togive it a tryW:Oh,did you use to do a part-time job during the summer vacation?M:No,I used to stay at home to do some reading.This year I want to get some working experience.What about you,Cindy?W:In the past,I usually took lots of trips.This year I've spent most of the time doing sports,such asswimming.M:That's why you look healthier.Would you like to join me on the farm tomorrow?We're going tofeed the chickens.W:Sure,I'd love to.It sounds like a fun and different way to spend a day.请听第4段对话,回答第13至第15小题。W:Good morning,Joe.I tried to call you at 9 o'clock yesterday morning,but you didn't answer it.M:Oh,Cathy,I'm sorry.I was really interested in a report in the library.W:What was the report about?M:It was about inventions and how they had changed our lives.You know,I'm always interested innew inventions.W:How long did the report last?M:The report began one hour before you called me,so I missed your call.And it finished at 10:00 amW:Of all the inventions,which one do you think is the most important?M:Well,I think the telephone is the most important.It has made it easier for people to talk to eachother.W:I agree with you.It makes our life convenient.But I think the camera is the most important.We cantake beautiful photos with it.They can record our life.M:I see.We all know how much you love taking pictures.Your pictures are always beautiful.C)请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。Our school is going to have a Chinese food festival next Thursday afternoon.Some of the students inour class are busy with their preparations.Sally learned how to make dumplings from her pen pal.She will show us how to make dumplingsEric visited Beijing last year and learned how to make Chinese noodles.He is going to cook them atthe festival.Helen thinks many students will like Beijing roast duck.She will show us how to make itat the festival.David is interested in Chinese pancakes.He will make delicious beef pancakes.I like allkinds of soup,but chicken soup is my favorite.I will invite many of the students and teachers to tastethe chicken soup I cook during the festival.The activity will start at 2:00 pm and finish at 4:00 pm.I'm sure we'll have a wonderful Chinesefood festival参考答案(One possible version客观题除外)一、听力理解1-5 BCBBA6-10 ABCCA11-15 BAABB16.Thursday afternoon17.preparing18.noodles