

M:Thank you.It's great to be here again.How time flies!W:Yes!We heard your new book will be released next month.M:That's right.My previous book was unusual and centered on alien life.And this bookpresents my recent research on animal languages.I've been to remote Vietnamese jungles to getclose to wild animals in the last two years to collect data.W:What difficulty did you encounter during your trip?●M:Well,many animals don't want people around.So we set up many recorders to get theanimals'sounds and calls,which lets us safely build very reliable data sets.W:Fascinating!At the end of our interview,would you please sign copies of these pre-launcheditions as souvenirs for our audience?M:No problem.Please wait a moment,and I'll finish quickly.W:Thank you so much.We wish your new book great success.Text 10M:Good morning.In today's English Morning News,I'll talk about a special center called theAPEX,launched by Beijing City International School recently.It functions as both a tech-drivenspace and an intelligent robotics learning center for students.During the launching ceremony,the entire school community got to experience the latestindustrial robot arm and the robot dog.They explored the interactive features and future potentialuses of intelligent robots up close.Xiao Jun,an award-winning robotics expert,shared his insightsinto AI applications in teaching and future education trends.The students and teachers alsodiscussed topics like programming special robots.The school seeks to arouse students'exploratory enthusiasm through personalized educationtailored to their strengths and passions.It offers various courses and resources,encouragingstudents'ability to improve themselves.The school principal,Tom Egerton,said the APEX space fits their vision of inspiringpersonalized growth.He hopes the phrase "Meet you at the APEX"becomes their community'sshorthand for gathering to cooperatively learn and innovate.So much for today.Thank you for listening.第14期测试题参考答案1-5 CABCA6-10 BAABB11-15 ACBAC 16-20 BCCCA21-25 DDBAD26-30 BABAD31-35 CACDB 36-40 FBEAG41-45 ADCCA46-50 BDBCD51-55 BABDC56-65(One possible version)