


28.B推理判断题。根据第三段“Taysia is a member of Free Your Voice,a group of student activists'fightingagainst.,And there are greenhouse gas emissions after the coal is burned.”以及第四段中“The teens ofFree Your Voice are taking on a big opponent:the massive goods transportation company CSX,whichtransported more than8 million tons of coal through South Baltimore in2o2l."可知,Free Your Voice的青少年将CSX视为对手是为了解决空气污染问题。29.B细节理解题。根据第四段“The goal is to eventually get the state regulators to deny the permit that.,.put water onto all of it so there's less dust blowing around.”可知,Free Your Voice的青少年希望实现的目标是让官方拒绝发放CSX的运营许可。30.A推理判断题。根据最后一段“The students now have support from their community.But the responsesfrom officials have not been very satisfying.”可知,官员并不支持,能推断出他们的抗争并非一帆风顺。31.C主旨大意题。根据第二段“Taysia is a member of Free Your Voice,.a group of student activists fightingagainst a very different kind of danger in their neighborhood:air pollution and climate change.”可知,由学生积极分子组成的组织Free Your Voice致力于改善巴尔的摩当地由煤炭带来的空气污染,尤其是抵制运输煤炭的污染大户一大型货物运输公司CSX。由此可知,C项“学生积极分子反对污染大户"最适合作本文的标题。32.B主旨大意题。根据第二段“On the outside,they may look like a wheel,equipped with solar panels orsails.Inside,the satellites contain mission-specific scientific instruments,which include whatever tools thesatellites need to perform their work.”可知,本段主要讲的是人造卫星的组成部分。33.D细节理解题。根据第三段“Computers function as the satellite's brain,which receive information,interpret it,and send messages back to the earth."可知,计算机在人造卫星中的作用是处理接收到的信息.34.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Artificial satellites use gravity to stay their orbits,Earth's gravitypulls everything toward the center of the planet.To stay in the earth's orbit,the speed of 'a satellite mustadjust to the tinest changes in the pull of gravity.”可知,人造卫尘在重力的作用下不断改变速度以保持在轨道上。35.C细节理解题。根据最后一段“The closer to the earth,the stronger the gravity'is,Therefore,thesesatellites must travel at about 17,000 miles per hour to keep from falling back to the earth,while higherorbiting satellites can travel more slowly.”可知,高地球轨道上的卫星运行速度较慢是因为它们在高地球轨道上受到的引力较弱。36.G空前内容“The'tem‘superfood'may have taken the modern food scene by storm.”提出“超级食物”这一概念。选项G"However,its roots can be traced back to early20th-century nutrition literature”指出其根源可以追溯到20世纪早期的营养文献,与上文“the modern food'"之间存在转折关系。同时引出下文"Although only popular in recent years,the concept of certain foods with special nuritional qualities hasbeen around for a long time."37.A根据空后“It's easy to understand..These nutritional superheroes offer a periect combination of substanceand style,tailored fo:ihe digital generation.”可知,下文解释了超级食物受欢迎的原因。选项A“What isdriving the trend?”与下文内容一致。38.D根据下文“They offer a lifestyle that reflects the global shift towards a more health-conscious society."可知,超级食物所提供的生活方式反映了人们越来越重视键康。选项D"Superfoods promise more than just amal”与下文内容相符,指出超级食物不仅仅是一顿饭,同时也是一种良好的生活方式。39.FAs'the world wrestles with an increasing burden of diseases and the fast pace of modern.life,people are seeking dietary solutions from superfoods..”可知,人们希望超级食物能够帮助他们缎解疾病和快节奏生活所带来的压力。选项F"They seem tailor-made to deal with these..concers,.”延续上文内容,指出超级食物正是为解决这些问题而盘身定做的。同时与下文“They are rich in vitamins and minerals that danstrengthen your immune system,avoid chronic diseases,and improve your overall wel-being.”保持-致,下文解释了为什么超级食物能解决这些问题。4O.E根s据下文“Superfoods,while nutritionally dense,should be part of a'comprehensive diet rather than the',only guarantee of our health.,”可知,超级食物不是我们键康的唯一保证而是全面饮食的一部分。选项E“No single food can cure all diseases..”与下文内容一致,指出超级食物并不能保证我们的健康,我们需要的是全面的饮食。41.A根据下文“Luckily,.she was recommended to join the provincial swimming team in2004,She won twogolds and two silvers in the youth group of the National Championship in 2005,earning a in thenational squad.”可知,卢冬是游泳冠军。42.A根据空后的“an interest in'”以及句意可知,卢冬在2017年对《传说对决》产生了兴趣,考查短语:developan interest in,意为“对…产生了兴趣”。43.C根据下文“However,italso led to generous compliments when others_her remarkable skills.”可026的△.(