


73.Your English homework is so creative74.What kind of English homework do you like75.Why do you like them六、Hello,everyone!I'm very happy to be here today to give a speech.Let me share with you onething that I keep doing every day.I was born into a family where every member loves reading.I still remember when I was akid,my parents had a habit of reading books to me after dinner.It made me really happy at thattime.Now,every day as long as I have free time,I will take a book from the shelf'and read it.Ithink reading can help to improve my knowledge and build my character.All in all,I do believe that keeping reading every day can make us better.【书面表达写作指导】本次书面表达要求写一份发言稿分享自己每天坚持做的一件事情。写作时,时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主,人称以第一人称为主。写作中可能用到的表达give a speech,share,be born into,.remember,as long as,improve,.character等。文章完成后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、有无拼写错误。。