

That evening,Ben discovered his dad had learned the truth about his test."You didn't put anyeffort into doing well in that test!!”Ben was embarrassed(尴尬的),His face turned red and hot..He was angry.He wanted to take revenge (on his new teacher.The next day,he followed Mrs.Adams to her house after school.Angry with her for givinghim a failing mark and embarrassing him before his father,Ben took a brick from the ground andthrew it at her window.Hearing the noise of her window breaking,Mrs.Adams was shocked.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Frightened,Ben ran away towards home,trying to escape.Then,following his dad,Ben left towards Mrs.Adam's house to apologize.高一英语试题,第10页,共10页