


Yours,Li Hua第二节One possible version:Then I saw a figure out of the window.It was a trucker.I looked around for his truck.Ididn't see it until I realized that his truck was parked on the other side of the road.He had walkedacross four lanes of traffic to get to us.I was truly touched that this man cared so much.Not oneother person had taken time out of his or her selfish life to stop and see if everything was okay,but this man was different.He didn't even know us,and he didn't expect anything in'return.Father got his ride back to town,and our car was repaired.I got my Mickey Mouseautograph in Disneyland.My faith that good people do exist became activated again.Because ofthat man's actions,my father and I had the opportunity to grow close again,and I still treasuremy Mickey autograph years later.None of this would have been possible if that man hadn't givenus the gift that he did-the gift of kindness.部分解析阅读第一节A篇主题语境:人与自我一一生活本文是应用文。文章介绍了一家图书馆的借阅规则。21.C。理解具体信息。根据What does“good standing”mean?部分中的An account is in"good standing"when the charges are not over $50.00 or there are 15 or less overdue items可知,当账户的收费不超过50美元或有15项或少于15项的逾期借阅时,账户处于“良好状态”。22.A。理解具体信息。根据How long can I keep borrowed materials?部分可知,New Fiction类别资料可以借阅7天。再根据Can I renew library materials?部分中的Most items may berenewed3 times可知,New Fiction类别可以续借3次,每次7天,最长可续借21天,因此,New Fiction类别可以出借天数最长为7+21=28(天)。23.D.理解具体信息.根据Renew online,by telephone or in person?部分中的To renew online24/7,access My Account on our website可知,借阅者可以通过登录图书馆网站完成续借操作。B篇主题语境:人与自我一一生活本文是记叙文。与女儿短暂的分开让作者意识到了爱是什么。24.D。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的After a week,,I realized she was just calling to talk可知,女儿给作者打电话就是为了与她聊天。25.C。理解词汇。根据第三段的描述可知,作者和女儿放学后的日常活动很平常,并无特别之处,因此可推知run-of-the-mil意为“平凡的,普通的,乏味的”。正是这种“平凡”才使作者感到意外,女儿竞然如此珍视这段时光。26.A。推断。根据第四段中的I hadn't seen this at all和So there it was.Simply by calling meconstantly while I was away,,my child taught me to realize that love is quietly joyful可知,f作者的女儿让她知道:爱给人快乐,无需表达。27.B。推断。根据最后一段中的My wise child changed the way I look at the everyday.She alsoconfirmed what I have thought for some time now:my outfits make her cringe,but my love doesnot可推知,作者为自己的孩子感到自豪。