

《双语学习报》2023一2024学年高一W版·新教材天津专版第31期测试题参考答案及部分解析第31期测试题参考答案1-5 BDCBB.6-10 ACCBA11-15 DCDAD16-20 ACBDA21-25 CACBD26-30 ACBDC31-35 DABCA36-40 BBCAD41-45 ACCAB46-50 BACBD51-55 CDCBA56-60(One possible version)56.It was low-paying and tiring,but it let her make her own money.57.The $18 written on it looked like $78.58.She tried to give the extra money back.59.That's an honest girl.60.Being honest can not only increase our sense of happiness but also improve our relationshipwith others.书面表达(One possible version)Dear Bill,I'm glad to hear that you are interested in playing table tennis and that you have reached out tome for guidance.I am more than pleased to assist you in any way I can.Let's arrange a time to meet at a table tennis facility.During our practice sessions,I willintroduce you to the basic rules and techniques of the game.Additionally,I will provide you withuseful exercises and tips to help you progress quickly.Please feel free to ask me any questions youmay have,as I will always be there to provide feedback and support.I firmly believe that withregular practice and dedication,you will gradually become a skilled table tennis player.Looking forward to playing and practicing together!Best regards,LiJin听力练习(31)参考答案1-5 BCACA6-10 ACCBA11-15 BBCBC16-20 CABCA第31期测试题部分答案解析单项填空1.B。考查交际用语。上句说在英语演讲比赛中获得了第一名,根据下句回答“这是你应得的”,可知空格处表示祝贺。2.D。考查介词短语辨析。in advance提前,预先;in return回报,报答;by nature天生地;by accident偶然地。3.C。考查动词短语辨析。make out了解;call up打电话;help out帮助:put up向..提供食宿。4.B。考查名词辨析。duty职责;concern担心,忧虑;content满意;resolution解决。5.B。考查副词辨析。However然而;Moreover此外;Instead相反;Therefore因此。6.A。考查动词辨析。ensure确保,保证;justify证明;adjust适应;attract吸引。7.C。考查交际用语。上句询问对方与家人去巴黎的旅行怎么样,根据回答“我儿子发烧了,我们在医院待了三天”,可推测后者的巴黎之旅不太顺利,故选It was terrible。
本文标签: 师大名师金卷答案