责编:白利萍艾娜孙婷2023-2024第26期双语学习报☐辅导测评周刊高考版X新教材新高考第35期测试题参考答案1-5 BCBDB6-10 ACDBB11-15 CADCD16-20 GEADF21-25 CAACD26-30 BCADB31-35 ADDBB36-45(One possible version)36.creatively37.a38.invented39.who/that40.approval41.showing42.to43.suitable44.to resist45.will become写作(One possible version)第一节Dear Caroline,How's everything going?Lately,I've been discussing future careers with my parents.Myideas seem to conflict with theirs and I feel confused about which direction to take.My dream is to become a designer and open my own studio.I have always loved art andfashion design.I wish I could create beautiful yet functional clothing that brings joy andconfidence to people.However,my parents think studying engineering would provide more stableincome.I don't know whether I should follow my passion or pick the practical route,so I'mfeeling quite lost.What do you think I should consider when planning my future career?Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua第二节Paragraph 1:I followed Johnnie,who carried an ax over his shoulder.We breathed through noses becausethe cold would make our throat ache,and we hiked in silence.The only sounds being heard werethe crunch of each step through the snow.We struggled up the hillside.Eventually,we approacheda little tree with two crooked branches silently observing twinkling lights.We exchanged a nod:this was the tree that needed a generous dose of love.Johnnie aimed the ax;with one swift hit,thetree leaned into his arm.Carrying it,we began our trip back down the mountain.Paragraph 2:As we opened the door,with the tree,we heard Mom tell Dad,"Look what's here just foryou!"His eyes lit up as the snap of the switch turned on the lights that surrounded the picturewindow.And he was surprised and smiled weakly,but it was a smile of pure joy."Good boys!You've grown up!"he said,with his eyes sparkling with cheer.And there were tears.That littletree brought so much happiness to our home that Christmas.From then on,our family tradition ofnature's Christmas has been passed down to Johnnie and me.We carried our family's holidayspirits forward and realized even the smallest living thing in nature can matter a lot to us.1/1