九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考英语(新教材-L)试题

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考英语(新教材-L)试题正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


Look ahead when you experience something unpleasant and there is always someoneraundbelieving in you.When they believe inuswe begin to believe inousetoo.Theytell us we are good enough over and over until we can hear it.24.Why was the author fired?A.She was usually late for workB.She had no social experience.英C.She had too many breaks.D.She failed to complete her task.25.What did the author's father do after knowing her failureA.He laughed at her.庭速意书B.He complained to the cruel boss.1.C.He was too sad to do anything.8块的5向林,所是务(1)D.He comforted her and said he believed in her.126.Whadid theoheoherb?A.She phoned her father and thanked him.②B.She returned home to have a celebration.欢就性3福2C.She showed her gratitude to her teacher.D.She invited her family to a big party.27.Which of the following can best describe the author's father?界)A.Strict and devoted.B.Caring and kind.C.Ambitious and brave.D.Humble and humorous.C展起Throughout history,technological progress has brought new wealth but has not alwaysimproved people's lives.Economists now say it is not clear whether artificial intelligence (AI)will help or hurt society.L.MeKinsey is a business consulting company.It said AI could add between $14 trillionand $22 trillion of value to the world's economy.Supporters say the technology will createwealth and improve living standards.Some go as far as saying AI will increase people's freetime and help them be more creative.But others are worried the technology will lead to losingjobs.They point to Hollywood writers and actors who are worried that they will be replacedby technology.ZThe Internet arrived with a similar(omen of more productivity,wealth and jobs.Receitly,the French bank Natixis noted in its research that most of the wealth has gone to afew billionaires.And many of the jobs do not require highly paid,skilled workers.Someworkers hope the technology will increase pay and job satisfaction.But they are alsoconcerned that the technology could push people to work too hard.Such concerns are not unfounded.History has shown the economic impact oftechnological progress is generally uncertain,unequal and even harmful.Johnson recentlypublished a book,Power and Progress,with Daron Acemoglu,another economist from MIT.They studied technological progress over the last 1,000 years including clothing production,train travel,and even food shopping.Johnson noted that it is easier to create something newthan to make sure it works for everyone.The two economists looked at an invention called thespinning jenny that made it easier to turn cotton and wool into yarn().They said thedevice helped clothing production and created wealth for many people in the late 1700s.However,it also increased the demand for cotton and led to longer hours for workers.Thedemand also led to the growth of slavery in the southern United States.As for AI technology,Johnson wonders if it will make existing inequalities worse,or"could it help us get back to something fairer?数28.What does the underlind wordomenmean in Paragraph3?A.Sign.B.Requirement.C.Experience.D.Level.【高三英语第4页(共8页)】60.A