


英透宝习得报Test Centerwww.ellcnOctober 3.2023八年级·新目标合2期任:琴编:实要外编率:UF阳Unit2水平测试名得分合题人谢云程琪满分(100分)other."They could sit like that for a very 33C.Her friend()18.How often does Tony play computertime.That made me think of a yoga position(s梦),”he said..Then Lu got the idea of teach听力部分(共20分)games?A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.ing the villagers to do yoga.Lu started to learn Yoga 34 watching on本学1听句子,选择正确的答语(每小题1分,共C.Twice a month()19.What does Tina like to do in her freeline videos(视频).35,it was quite hard o习辅导烟5分)let villagers try doing yoga.They 36 said.()1.A.Thank you.B.t's yours.·time?特原有办根C.The red team(队).A.Go to the movies.What is yoga?Why do I need to do that?Itmust be 37 that people living in cities do,not行优化调能()2.A.Yes,of courseB.No,I didn't.B.Play sports.C.Help with some housework.for villagers."At Lu's first yoga class,only a彩的内容、C.Yes,I do.B.He plays sports()20.Why can't Peter play basketball whenfew women came.()3.A.I hope so."Doing yoga is good for my 38.It can解、系统的到C.Last week.he is free?学生学习()4.A.Once a weekB.For a year.A.He has to look after(照顾)his motherease the pains(援解寒)in my back.It helpsC.Three hours.B.He is busy with his homework.me39 after a day's work."said Liu Ying.超,全面提()5.A.Yes,she did.B.No,she doesn't.C.He isn't good at playing it.75.英语水平C.No,she can't.After two or three weeks,more and morevillagers came to Lu's class."Now about 60供符合新调Ⅱ.听对话和问题,选择正确的图片(每小题型学习资司1分,共5分)笔试部分(共80分)villagers,aged from 57 to 82,40 to do yoga()6.for at least one hour a day.It's really good for播先进的L.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)their bodies,"Lu said.成为老师事)21.My uncle made his dream come true()31.A.houseworkB.sporthard workC.musicD.program参考。A.ofB.about()32.A.sittingB.swinging《英语C.forD.throughC.walkingD.running)7()22.it rained hard,Susan arrived at()33.A.short B.longC.small D.big报》第1、()34.A.withB.about语言知识school on timeA.AlthoughB.IfC.throughD.below为基础,C.WhenD.Because()35.A.MaybeB.Almost下、佳篇()23.do you help your mother doC.OnceD.Howeverhousework?()36.A.hardlyB.always写等近2Every dayC.neverD.least激发学生A.How muchB.How far()37.A.somethingB.nothing趣,提高C.How oftenD.How longC.everythingD.anythingB.study读、写hospltal)24.-Wow!There are so many books on ()38.A.habityour desk.C.healthD.way言的能Butof them are mine.They ()39.A.wakeB.workare all my sister's.C.moveD.relaxA.all B.both C.either D.none()40.A.dislikeB.start报》第】)25.David,can you go to the movies withC.missD.forget行新课me?Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)中、高Sorry,today is quitefor meI have too much homework to do.难度:★向。报A.freeB.full促进学C.easyD.boringI work and live in a small city,so I ride高的同刷)26.-Why did so many trees heremy bicycle almost everywhere.I like to rideBecause there was a big fire lastaround most of the time and I also like to的应试week.walk everywhere.I try to walk to a lot of dif-领中学BA.grow B.stay C.save D.dieferent placesⅢ听下面的对话,选择正确答案(每小题1()27.My brother has a healthy living habit.航向。Matthew,Canada分,共5分)Hestays up late and often请听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。gets up early.()11.When did Peter get a computer?I like to go running every Wednesday andA.hardly everB.sometimesA.Yesterday.B.Last weekFriday night.But I'm not the best runner.IC.alwaysD.usuallyC.Last month.()28.-Who is your favoritemay walk for fifteen minutes,then run for)12.What does the girl often do on the com-ten,and then walk for another fifteen min-puter?Liu Cixin.I learn a lot from his成烈utesA.She reads booksbooks,such as The Wandering Earth.A.dentistLinda,AmericaB.singer(英B.She plays games.C.writerD.traderC.She watches movies.()29.Twenty percent of peopleI really like running but these days it's请听一段对话,回答第13-15小题livingin the countryside because they wouldquite cold outside,so I don't like to run out-()13.What does Jane want to do this Saturday?A.Play the piano.B.Go shopping.like to enjoy clean air there.side.I usually go to the gym(健身房)andA.likesuse the treadmill(跑步机)there.C.Learn English.B.likeC.dislikes()14.How often does Bob have piano lessons?D.dislikePaul,England订识A.Once a week.B.Twice a month.()30.-Alice,our class lost the game yester-day.Every week I go to the health club.I like010C.Twice a week.I know they practiced a lot.to exercise with others.It makes me relaxed()15.How old is Bob now?A.14.B&C.6.A.How come?B.Of course.I also do some push-ups(俯卧撑)before go-C.Why not?D.No problemV,听短文,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)ing to bed,but sometimes I forget to do that.分)I also try to control(控制)what I eat.Ieatless meat and more vegetables.()16.When did Jimmy do a special study inSome villagers in Hebei are practicing yogaclass?(瑜你)these days.They enjoy the3 1 veryAki,JapanA.Last Monday B.Last Wednesdaymuch.Lu Wenzhen,52,teaches these villagersC.Last Fridayto do yoga in their free time.阅读村料内容,进择最佳答案()17.Who does Lucy like to go shopping with?When Lu first came to the village,he found)41.How may Matthew go to work?A.Her sister.B.Her mom.villagers here spent a lot of free time 32A.By car.B.By bus.cross-legged(盘着腿的)and talking with eachC.By subwayD.By bike.(下转3版