

《双语学习报》2023一2024学年高二RX版·新教材东莞专版第17期测试题参考答案及部分解析第17期测试题参考答案1-5 ABCAC6-10(One possible version)6.exchange7.willingness 8.Memorize9.partner10.materials11-15 ADCBA 16-20 DACCD 21-25 GFEAC26-30 CBDAD 31-35 DABCA36-40 BDCDB41-57(One possible version)41.harmonious 42.annually43.an44.inspection45.which46.was sinking47.submitting 48.about49.be restricted50.envious51.It was fortunate52.dying out;taken action53.On behalf of54.turned down55.The boy,whose parents died when he was very young,was brought up by his aunt.56.Tom told Jessie not to forget to take her umbrella.57.For me,there is nothing like a trip to put one in a good mood.应用文写作(One possible version)Good afternoon,everyone!To equip us with essential emergency skills,today we are honored to have invited Dr.Yang todeliver this lecture on first aid.Let's give a big hand to Dr.Yang...Having worked for severalrenowned hospitals and participated in various emergency relief missions,Dr.Yang is an expert inemergency medical care.And during the lecture,Dr.Yang will discuss the basics of first aid,including CPR and common injuries,and provide us with practical guidance,enabling us tobecome effective responders when faced with unexpected situations.Now let's welcome Dr.Yang's wonderful lecture.读后续写(One possible version)Paragraph 1:Then the policeman suggested driving me home to get Naomi's bed sheets."Our search dogscan pick up her scent.They will be a great help,"the policeman comforted me.I agreed andprayed for miracles.Once we returned to the forest,the search dogs were immediately put to work.