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DMosquitoes carry malaria,which kills thousands of people each year.Now someresearchers are trying to use genetic engineering to make the annoying insects intopartners in the fight against the disease.For years,public health officials have tried to limit the disease by controllingmosquito populations."But that approach is temporary,"says Anthony James,aprofessor of biology and genetics at the University of California,Irvine,"Becausemosquitoes are extremely tough little insects,and their populations can quicklyrebound."Therefore,James and his colleagues want to try a different approach:makingmosquitoes themselves into malaria-fighting warriors,which is a complete departurefrom traditional ways of controlling malaria.To understand how it works,it helps to understand the life cycle of malaria.Themalaria pathogen(病原体)is a parasite(寄生虫)that grows inside humans.It'spassed via mosquitoes that move from person to person,sucking blood."If we canmake the mosquitoes difficult for the pathogens to survive,we can wipe out thedisease,"he says.But making mosquitoes uninviting to malaria is a tough job.To solve the problem,the team used a gene-editing technique called CRISPRThey started with genes from mice,whose immune systems do fight human malaria,engineered those genes.and then gave them to the mosquitoes.It turned out the malaria-fighting antibodies which gene-edited mosquitoesproduced worked very well.They reduced the number of parasites in the mosquitobefore they were passed to a human host.James'team are now working on planning a field trial,which he hopes could beconducted on an island or in another isolated locationBut genetically changing wild animals does not sit well with environmentalists."There's no need to engineer a mosquito,"says Dana Perls,senior program managerfor the emerging technology program at the non-profit Friends of the Earth.Perlspoints out that naturally occurring methods for reducing malaria appear to beshowing promise,as does a new vaccine (against the disease."Why takeunnecessary risks and release a species that can't be recalled once it's released intothe wild?”she asks32.What can we know from the second and third paragraphs?英语试卷共12页第7页