2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


39 When playing,kids learn how to controltheir impulses(冲动)by waiting for their turn.C41.A.positionB.incomeDThrough spending time together,people get a senseC.motivationD.pressureof belonging,contributing to reducing the need forA42.A.enjoyedB.stoppedviolence(暴力行为).C.mindedD.missedD43.A.terribleB.rightC.averageD.excellentB 44.A.survivedGames can help grow patience.B.succeededB.It brings your family together emotionally.C.checkedD.quittedC.Playing games together is not only fun,but also beneficial.D.Playing family games together can prevent antisocial behavior.A 45.A.immaturityB.inabilityC.inflexibilityD.independencecan IG.For example,children learn how to behave when they lose a game.⑧Last but not least,playing games together is aC 46.A.cheered upB.turned downfantastic way of spending time together!40C.found fault withBD.made fun ofPeople tend to build respect when getting to knowD 47.A.afraidB.awareeach other better,improving the family'sC.sickD.fullrelationship.B 48.A.purposesB.commentsC.expectationsD.experiencesC 49.A.honouredgames can heln grow patience.B.pleasedB.It brings your family together emotionally.D.determinednot only fun,but also beneficial.C.preparedDPlaying games together isPlaying amily games together can prevent antisocial behavior.A 50.A.InsteadB.ThereforeE.It's great to create a family tradition that your kids may carry on.C.OtherwiseD.BesidesF.These skills can later be used in math,languages or other classes.G.For example,children learn how to behave when they lose a game第第一节阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。D 51.A.impolitelyB.impatientlyWhen I was a young man,straight out of college,C.proudlyD.gentlyI went to work at the telephone company near myB 52.A.smartB.modest分home in Chicago.My 41 was high,so I learnedC.braveD.honest语quickly and soon was a top technician.MyA 53.A.punishedB.trustedcolleagues 42 working with me and our clientsC.savedD.convinced运always asked for me.Not only did I do a(n)43C 54.A.encouragingB.botheringjob,but I also received high praise from my boss.C.schoolingD.warning用In many ways,I already 44.D 55.A.meaningfulB.challengingBeing the youngest member of my group,IC.demandingD.fruitfulfound my 45 was on display.I started to question why the other members of my第二节阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的workgroup were not as gung-ho(热情高涨的)asI单词或括号内单词的正确形式。was.I often 46 the others and described theirwork ethic(职业道德)using a series of negativeAn artificial river in 56.the middle of a desertmay sound unrealistic,but the project is becomingwords.It seemed I was pretty 47 of myself.That is when my boss,Andy,an older gentleman,a modern reality in Egypt's Western Desert.called me into his office to discuss my negative57.To ensure (ensure)the availability ofsustainable water resources,the Egyptian Ministry48 Then I was 49 to be blamed.50 Andyof Water Resources and Irrigation(灌溉)isoffered me some helpful advice.He reached into hisdesk and pulled out a sheet of paper with a poembuilding 58.what is set to be the world's largestman-made river.written on it.With a 59.length (long)of 174 kilometers,"Read this,"he said 51.Below is a copy of theinitially,the river 60.was designed (design)topoem The Indispensable(不可或缺的)Man,deliver water to agricultural areas in the Newwhich tells us the importance of being 52Delta project.The New Delta project is the largestI learned a lot that day from a man who couldof 61.its (it)kind in the history of agriculturalhave 53 me rather than 54 me.I went on toprojects in Egypt.Upon completion,the rivershould 62.significantly (significant)contribute tohave a_55 career while never forgetting thosewho helped me make my success possible,at leastfood and water security in Egypt.in part.Without them,I would not succeed.Egypt,currently 63.struggling (struggle)witha yearly water shortage of around seven billioncubic meters,9