2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


Abrams took action.He put forward a call to friends and family asking for gently used children'sbooks,and in no time,he had more than 1,000 of them.He began handing out the books to youngmoms and local elementary schools.That was the start of his nonprofit,BookSmiles,which has sincecollected,sorted,and handed out hundreds of thousands of books throughout New Jersey and thePhiladelphia area-and will soon reach 1 million.BookSmiles calls on people to help collect books and drop them off in the group's large collectionboxes,which are painted with literary-themed artwork and put outside local businesses,houses ofworship,schools,and people's homes.Books are often handed out through teachers,who come to thebook bank and choose as many books as they want.Larry Abrams thinks children should be read to because it's something joyful that creates a bond()between the parent and the child in such an important way.Reading books creates a momentthat will never die off and always stay with the child.And what's more,reading books to kids givesthem power.The most important tool that they get is words.There are some kids who grow up hearinglots of words because they're read to every single night.They.are used to hearing sentences connectedtogether when they're babies.And then there are other kids who never get that.Reading and books helplevel that playing field.It gives words,millions of words,to these babies who really,really need them.24.What did Larry Abrams find about his working environment?A.He had to live a hard life in a desert.7B.His students were very short of booksC.His students couldn't read or write at all.D.His school was struggling to make ends meet.25.What caused Larry Abrams to set up BookSmiles?A.His student's trouble.B.His school's requirement.C.His daughter's need for books.D.His close friend's request.26.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A.What books BookSmiles hands out.B.Where BookSmiles's boxes areC.How busy BookSmiles's workers are.D.How BookSmiles works.27.What does Larry Abrams think of reading to children?A.It helps parents and children to kill time.B.It makes children depend more on their parents.C.It puts children far ahead of those without being read to.D.It develops children's language skills by parent-child behavior.CThe traditional Chinese Longtaitou Festival,or Dragon-Head-Raising Festival,falls on thesecond day of the second lunar month every year,and recognizes the start of spring and farming.Thisyear it falls on March 4.Ancient people believed that after this day,rainfall increases because the rain-bringing DragonKing has awakened from his winter sleep.A well-known phrase goes,"Er yue er,long tai tou,meaning,"On the second day of the second month,the dragon lifts his head."The festival celebrates ancient agrarian Chinese culture,and while some of traditional ways tocelebrate it are no longer practiced,others continue to exist.The most famous tradition is getting a haircut.Some believe that going to the barber on this daygets rid of bad luck,while others believe getting a haircut during the first month of the lunar calendarbrings bad luck.Another saying warns that cutting your hair in the first month will cause your uncle todie.Although today few pay attention to it,it was once a tradition to line up outside barbershops onthe day of Longtaitou.People eat tofu balls in East China's Fujian Province during the festival,and often make tofu andvegetable balls to pray for family and business.Fried beans are the traditional festival food for peoplein parts of Shandong Province.Eating chengyao cakes,which are made with sticky rice,during the【高一期末·英语第4页(共8页)】8147A扫码使用▣夸克扫描王