2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


C.Predicting its impacts on other planets.第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分卫.5分)D.Learning from past exploration experiences.读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余31.Which column is this text most probably taken from?选项A.Opinion.B.History.C.TechnologyD.EnvironmentOne of the problems damaging our planet is the number of thingsethowA more recenttheihntethatreboke reeycled.0bt beek theo repair them eveif their vale.Many millions ofLoss aversion(厌恶,the idea that osssmore psychologically inetiah,nof televphneandtmntre abandoned each year.UN elaimsconiderd th importanti dmaking and tethe50mlionoeevyearlmrthan double to0iby.makingthec,大时hit the fastest growing waste stream in the world.ecoomics.wrote in his book Thinkin Fat and Slon,that"the concept of loss aversion is certainlyRecently,thereing trend o repair event and clube which cod be par of to thegreatest contribution of psychology to behavioral economics."growing amount ofeletrcl and eleetronic junk.The BBC visited a Restart Projeet in London.which isch profound medeagybhone of many found around the world.One of its operators.Francesco Calo.said that"This project makesta truth om bhivrd byour foar than by ourlotal sense.3 Beside it help people who eannot afford to getrid of item that have developed aapiration This conusion has implications forpcof howwe live our livefault."Howeverdocumented in rticaf vern by Rucker of Northsiem39.An experiment at the University of New South Wales involves extracting()these materialsivethereis gera()prejudice that leads people to avi more yfrom electronic gadgets().Apart from just being recyeled,the European Union.for example,isthan to pregains.Contrar tcam bdprice increases do not affect consumertrying to encourage manufacturers to reuse some extracted electronic components.40 With phonesbehavior more than price decreases.typically conainingas manys6mthis be part of the soiontorapetiteforewIf sings10000means giving up thefyohead whereas gaining $10000 means ging ontechnology.an extra vacation,it is perfectly reasonable to be more concemed with the loss than the gain.A.First of all,this project prolongs the life of electric objeetsWhy has belief in los held forlong?An idealized view of science is thatB.It is partly because it's cheaper to replace them than fix themtheoriesare accepted or rejected based sley edence from experiments.In fact scence is not simplyC.It is reported that many people have made a big fortune from itan imper arc for truth butaprocein which supporters of a theory must convinceD.Now solutions have been put forward to give this e-waste a new lifeother scientists,through logic and argumentation.of how evidence should be interpreted.E.So it's thought that doing this could be more profitable than traditional recyclingIn sum,our critical review of loss aversion highlights that,even in contemporary times,wrong ideasF.As many electrical items contain valuable metals,another solution is e-waste miningcan continue to exist for a long time despite contrary evidence,and therefore,that there is a need toG.One of the reasons is that people don't think their eleetronie items are fashionable enoughcritically assess accepted beliefs.While loss aversion has frequently been used to explain why people are第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)prejudiced toward the current situation perhaps fittingly,the case of loss aversion illustrates the importance第-节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。of challenging the present state of science.Anger isn't a pleasant feeling.Some of us bottle up the emotion,while others 41 in a wild anger.32.Why did Daniel Kahneman write Thinking Fast and Slou?Both habits have bad effects on our bodies,our minds,and our relationships.A.To record the process of our thinking.Anger may feel uncomfortable,but it's also normal and healthy."A lot of people think they have toB.To test the contribution of loss aversion.42 their anger,"says Patrick Keelan.a registered psychologist."But anger is an emotion built into usC.To show loss aversion is viewed important.to signal that something needs to be 43."When we take notice of that signal and actually 44 theD.To figure out how loss aversion comes about.problem instead of ignoring it,we're usually much better for it.45,many of us have been conditioned33.Which situation worried people most according to Kahneman?B.An extra holidayto keep our emotions hidden.Increasingly,research is suggesting that this can have 46 effects on ourA.Rising price.health.Investigators noticed that people who make greater efforts to 47 their emotions tend to haveC.Decreasing price.D.Pursuing gainsshorter life spans.They're more likely to die earlier from cancer,48.When we're angry,stress34.What does the author think of science?B.It bears little relation to evidence.hormones()are released,which ean 49 a wide range of diseases,including diabetes andA.It is solely based on experimentsC.It interprets logic and argumentation.D.Its research process is objective and social.depression,and abnormal immune conditions.Is it better,then,to scream and ery whenever something makes you 50?That's the fundamental35.What can be a suitable title for this passage?behind the"rage roomsthat have appeared in many American cities,where folks are 51 to let offA.Why Is An Important Idea False?B.How Can Loss Aversion Be Defined?their anger by violently smashing stuff in a safe environment."The 52 is that you get the anger ou ofC.Is An Accepted Idea Really Objective?D.Can We Take Loss Aversion for Granted?英语5-3(全卷共4页)