


(得L与)The old bike2.Nowadays most people would rather pay online thanby him last weekin parents shoes(2022黑龙江牡丹江,鸡西)use eash.A.wear parents'2.Tom borrowed the book two weeks ago.(改为同义句)shoesNowadays most peoplepaying onlineB.get parents'shoesTomthe book for two weeks.using cash.(2021四川达州)C.consider in parents'position(2022黑龙江牡丹江,鸡西)3.I don't feel like eating anything now.D.put parents to trouble3.The bees collect honey from the flowers.(2020云南昆I don'tanything now.供稿人:安徽顾伟浙江张(改为被动语态)(参考答案见下第28期参考答案3.If you like this book,I can lend it to you./I II.1.There are第56第1一3版can lend this book to you lend you this book2.This idea sounds really goodif you like it.m.I.That bus driver stopped the bus at once/right语法专项复习(九)动司的时态、语态专讲专练语法专项复习(六)连词专讲专练动词的时态考点三:、并列连词away right now/in a minute in no time.一般现在时一般将来时考点一、考点二,考点三、考点四、考点五:I.1-2 BBI.1-5 BBABA 6-10DCDCCII.1.such a;that 2.so kind that2.Just now Mom asked me to take out throw1-5 BBBCD 6-8 CACthe rubbish.I.I.The sun rises in the eastIll,1.so;that 2.It rained so heavily hard2.The plane takes off at 9:00 a m考点六:主从复合句3.such a;that 4.so that、宾语从句3.I am meeting will meet am going to meeI.1-3ABC5.so little money that little money so thatI.1-5 DBDCD 6-8 DBBPeter this afteroon.II.I.either,or 2.both;and/not only;but alsosuch little money that现在进行时最过去进行时II.1.when;starts 2.when;would3.not but1-5 CAADB 6-10 BADAB二、从属连词6.so many people;thatIlI.1.if/whether she could do般过去时&现在完成时考点四、考点五、考点六:2.what the future will look like be like1-5 DBCDB 6-10 CBCBA 11-12 BD考点一:1.1-5 BABCA 6-9 DACC动司的语态I.1-5 BABABI.1.Whatever/No matter what you do,you mustIV.I hope (that)we can spend more time withfriends this summer vacation/holiday..1-5 DCBBC 6-10 CCCBBII.1.The nurse is patient enough to listen carefullyfollow the rules/You must follow the rules,三、限定性定语从句I.I.was chosen 2.It is said It's saidwhen others speak.When others speak,thewhatever/no matter what you doI.1-6ACBDBBwas made to read绘合训练nurse is patient enough to listen carefully.2.I dream of having a long vacation/holidayII.I.who/that has 2.(that/which)you visitedso that I can have more time to travel.1-5 ABDBC 6-10 DCBCC 11-13 CAB2.You won't realize the importance of health第4版3.We believe in trust him because he has语法专项复习(八)情态动词专讲专练II.1.trying 2.spent 3.scored 4.built 5.is helduntil till you lose it.6.visited 7.will attend 8.follows 9.has don3.He has had/owned the model plane since henever let us down.综合训练一、情态动词的情态意义表示法10.was helpingwas eight (years old).I.1-5 DDACA 6-10 ADACAI.I.are rowing a boat 2.have taken place4.I went to the post office after I left home./1.unless 2.if 3.since 4.whatever 5.beforeII.1.had better not go 2.Can you sing3.got off 4.was watching TV 5.be carriedAfter I left home,I went to the post office.6.nor 7.yet 8.for3.We should protect it together.考点二:语法专项复习(七)简单句和主从复合句专讲专练简单句III.1.People shouldn't push their kids so hard.I.1-3ABA2.Tom can't afford the violin because it's tooI.1.I like the green trees教II.1.As long as he comes tomorrow,I'll tell himexpensive.Tom couldn't afford the violin英语学学the good news./I'll tell him the good news2.Every flower will come out.because it was too expensive.3.The book is useful二、情态动词的推测用法as long as he comes tomorrow.资经4.Mom bought me a dictionary.资1-6 CCBCCC2.Don't start the project unless everything is5.There will be an art festival next week三、情态动词一般疑问句的回答师源验ready.6.The smooth music made her relaxed.1-5 DBACA报社地址:山西省太原市晋阳街202号英语周报社●邮编:030006●电话:0351-7773933●排液:本报光刷:武汉彩集实业有限公司(武汉市汉南区华模工业园22栋1号)●订阅:本报发行部●订阅热线:0351-7333565●广告经营许可证号:晋工商广字14
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