


当上下文为转折关系时,可用however、My favourite cartoonhelpful forbut来连接;为因果关系时,可用so、because来【语言学习】连接,这些词语的运用可使文章衔接自然、流1.water level水位畅,增强文章的逻辑性。2.pile up堆积本版供稿人:湖北姜维(本版参考答案见下期第25期参考答案5.exercised 6.illnessesB)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。第1版III.1.going for a run 2.in excellent condition题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个I'm trying to lose a few kilos,so I've beenRead Deep3.arrived at 4.all over 5.took part in选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。swimming in a stadium every day for two weeks【读后任务】IV.1.feel awful 2.since then 3.too:to5.W:Where's Grandma,Dad?Is she taking a walknow.It really works.However,I got up with an1.closed world 2.May 2013 3.joy/happiness4.decided to enter 5.took the dog for a walkn the garden?awful ache in my right ear yesterday morning.I've4.play and communicateUnit 3M:No,Sally.She's sleeping in her bedroom nownever had the problem before.I.think the water in【语言学习】I.1.hasn't eaten/had 2.hasn't talked/spokenbecause she's got a headache.the stadium may cause the problem.Anyway,'I put喝水浇花3.How long 4.has been 5.haven't heard from6.W:Nick,did you take your temperature just now?some medicine in my ear and that has helped a little举起你的手把信递给我6.haven't seen 7.has workedM:Yeah,it was 38C.I have a fever.bit.I'm still going to see a doctor tomorrow猜答案猜测8.has been/become interested in7.M:Helen,sometimes you eat fast food,yes?moring.I hope the doctor can give me some adviceThink DeepII.1.Perhaps 2.daily 3.active 4.exerciseW:No,I never eat it.I don't want to be fat.My参考答案1.Promises are expressions about what people hope5.members 6.This 7.sleepy 8.condition(s)elder brother sometimes eats it.1-4 CBCA 5-9 CBABA 10-14 CCBAAto do in the future9.well 10.cough8.W:What's the matter,Jordan?15-17CAB18-20BAB2.I will say sorry to him or her first.Then I'llIII.1.Playing basketball,swimming and runningM:I fell off my bike and hurt my head.二、21-25 BADCA26-30 DACBC31-35 BCADCexplain to him or her why I broke my promise.2.Playing basketball.3.Four times a week.9.M:Doctor,should I take the medicine three times三、36-40 BDACC41-45 BACBDFinally,I will think about what I can do to make4.Since Grade 3.a day?四、46-50 AABDC51-55 DDBCDup for the loss.第4版W:No,twice a day.Once in the morning and五、56-60 CFEAG第2版Guided Writingagain at night.六、6L.all over62.excellent./good conditionReading Links2.谋布局、写句子10.W:Stop listening to music and take the dog for a63.part of 64.going for a run1.taking her dog for a walk(1)I was very fat in the pastwalk,Leo.65.will take part in2.girls'football team 3.sleepy(2)I went to see the doctorM:OK,Mum.I'll do it right now.七、66.heart67.warm water68.the air69.hair4.a smile on his face 5.a long illness 6.awful(3)I decided to stop eating fast food and start/begin11.M:Do you drive to work,Linda?70.relaxedGrammarplaying /doing sports八、7L.see72.with73.difficult74.HoweverI.1-6 DCCBADW:No,I ride my bike.It is my daily exercise.(4)It/This was not easy for me at first/At first it/75.things 76.feel 77.invite 78.ifII.1.has been-over 2.have been in 3.has been ill12.M:You're in excellent condition,Cathy.How dothis was not easy for meyou keep fit?79.good great 80.Remember4.has had 5.has been a member of(5)My brother played tennis with me in his free timeLexical ChunksW:Thanks.I run six miles every morning.九、8l.One possible version:4.成篇章Dear Andrew.A)1-5 geafh 6-8 bdc B)1-5 jahbe 6-10 gcdif13.W:When did you join the football club,Jeff?I was very fat in the past.Because I ate tooC)1-5 ebacdM:Last year.Are you in a sports club,Alice?'m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well thesemuch fast food and got too little exercise,I feltdays.You told me in your last email that you alwaysSentencesW:Not now,but I plan to join a volleyball clubterrible.So I went to see the doctor.He advised mecaught a cold and often felt tired.Here's some1.-How long have you been/worked as a teacher?next term.I need more exercise.to stop eating fast food and take more exercise.Toadvice for you.-Since 2005.14.M:Mrs Scott?You wanted to see me?become fit and healthy,I decided to stop eating fastW:Yes,Robert.I'm afraid there's a problemFirst,it's good for you to eat more fruit and2.Let me give you an examplevegetables.They have vitamins in them and vitamins3.Since then,James has written three novels.food and start playing sports.It was not easy for meYou didn't come to work yesterday.And we4.She was too nervous to answer that questionat first.Luckily,my family helped me a lot.Myhad lots of customers.can help protect you from a bad cold.Second,makejustparents cooked healthy meals for me every day.MyM:I'm sorry,Mrs Scott,but my daughter was ill.sure you get enough sleep.Sleep is pretty importantnow.brother played tennis with me in his free time.WithC)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都for you especially when you have a cold.Third,ifLanguage Pointsyou begin to feel a little better,you can take some1.I.1.illness 2.illtheir help,I finally made it!Now I'm much fitter有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中exercise,such as going for a run 'or riding a bikeI.1.feel ill 2.seriously ill 3.fell illand healthier than before.I feel truly happy.选出最佳选项。2.(1)sleeping (2)asleep (3)sleepy (4)sleepLight ReadingLast but not least,remember to put on more clothes1-4ACBD听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题第3版W:I've got a pain in my back.to help you keep warm when the weather becomesUnit 1第5一6版M:How long have you been like this?cold.This will stop the cold from getting worseI.1.health 2.ill 3.this 4.toothache 5.headacheModule4综合能力评估试题听力材料及参考答案W:For a few weeks.hope my advice can work well for you and wish听力材料II.1.in front of 2.stomach acheA)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并M:Do you spend a lot of time in front of theyou get better soon.Yours.3.caught had a cold 4.fast food 5.such ascomputer?Li HuaIII.1.Let me 2.Stop making 3.That's why看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。W:Yes,I do.I've been working in a newspaper4.take his temperature 5.harmful to /bad foroffice since last year.◆英语周报订阅号◆V.1-5 GBCFE1.The doctor checked my teethUnit 22.I had a very bad headache yesterdayM:Well,I had that problem too.3.Anna has always wanted a pet dog.W:So did you stop using the computer?初高中英语学习I.1.Perhaps 2.sleepy 3.well 4.weak 5.active4.I have played football for a year now.I feel veryM:No,I didn't need to.But I changed the way I sat中高考教育资讯II.1.pets 2.members 3.heart 4.dailyfit.and that made a difference.Here.Let me showyou.在线订阅英语周报回能●报社●印刷:地址:山西省太原市晋阳街202号英语周。报社太原市乾润通印刷有限公司(太原市小店区龙堡街10号,●邮编030006●1●订阅:全国各地邮局(所)●邮购补订:本报发行部电话:0351-7773933.●排版本报激光照排中●订阅热线:0351-7333565●广告经营许可证号:晋工商广字0103