2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


遥新英语学习铺得报高字习辅得报课标全国一新题型)第18期NGLISH LEARNERS LIGHTHOUS散请关注《英潘学避辅导根》ENGLISHLEARNERS2023年1月12日信公众号:下智意英语因辅导州2022-2023学年度(上学期)总第934期中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会指写南方出版社主管主办英语学习辅导报社编辑出版社长,蔡贤伟总编:龚亚夫考源外刊选读hampionAnnouncedinFat BearWeek”ContestEaster Island Statues'Damaged by Fire美国一年一度的“胖熊周"比赛旨复活节岛火灾对部分石像造成永久性破坏。]观众宣传棕熊的生存技能和生活①235"唤起人们对野生动物的关注。,A number of statues on Chile's Easter Island have been permanently damaged after a fire in early52"According to officials,the fire began on October 4,2022,and affected more than a square kilometer oOctober.group of brown bears in Alaskabecome unlikely internetstarsland in Rapa Nui National Park-a UNESCO World Heritage Site2.The fire affected the Rano Raraks to an unusual online contest.volcanic crater,which is home to almost 30 of the island's famous moai statues.Bear Week is a competition heldMore than 800 such statues have been found on the island-also known as Rapa Nui-which is in thOctober in which people vote forPacific Ocean 3,500 kilometers off the coast of Chile.Created centuries ago by the island's indigenotest bear among the brown bearspeople,the statues look like people with large heads,the largest being almost 10 meters tall and weighitmai National Park,about 400about 82 metric tons.ters southwest of the city ofThe statues have survived years of rain,sun and wind damage,but fires cause a different type of damrage.The contest is held toPedro Edmunds,mayors of Easter Island,said,"What the fire does is heat the rock,and the rock cracks."Francisco Haoa,a representative of the Rapa Nui people,said that it is super painful for us to see hote the bears'success in puttingmoai have burned.Sometimes referred to as "Easter Island heads",the statues were built to remight before the long AlaskanFor the bears,getting fat is aOfficials have not yet given the cause of the fire,although in an interview said,"All the fires iRimportant people on the island.matter.Bears can lose up to awinterare caused by human beings,"adding that they didn't believe the fire was an accident.their weight duringEaster Island reopened to tourists on August 1,2022,after being closed for over two years becato eat as much