2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


A.It is popular in English.B.It is used only by miners.B.The second version got the participants to cooperate to earn pointsC.It is convenient to typeD.It is taken in by a dictionaryC Friends helped the player in the third version earn more points5.What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us?D.The first version placed participants in indirect competition9.In which mode did outgoing players exercise more?A.The meaning of the longest word.B.The person of making up the word.A.Cooperative modeB.Competitive modeC.The creation of the longest wordD.The disease concerning the word.C.Supportive modeD.No mode6.What is the common characteristic of the longest words mentioned in the text?10.Which of the following can best replace"were prone to"in Paragraph 3?A.They use the maximum vowels.B.They convey particular emotions.A.were likely toB.were unwilling toC.They are coined by tradition.D.They are created for pleasureC.were afraid toD.were hesitant to7.Where is the text probably taken from?11.What is the best title for the text?A.A magazine.B.A guidebook.C.A travel brochure.D.A news reportA.Challenge your body with different game versions.CB.Change your personality to suit different game versions.If sticking with an exercise habit is a challenge for you,there may be an app for that.In a University ofC.Choose an exercise app with your personality in mind.Pennsylvania trial,smartphone games helped subjects become more active.D.Cooperate with your family to accumulate more steps.Participants were randomly assigned to one of three versions of a game that recorded how many steps they took0each week.The first version placed them in direct competition with others.In the second version,they worked as aFriday was "Chatty Bus day",an experiment aimed at getting people to talk to each other on public transport.group to gain points.In the third,players earned points on their own but were asked to choose a friend or familyThis is not an idea that would appeal to those who commute in the rush hour,because there is a smaller distancemember to be their supporter.This person received an e-mail each week reporting on the player's performance in orderwithin which it's just as uncomfortable to talk.Elbow()room is a precondition for sociability.It is no coincidenceto help cheer her or him on.that the first truly personal music player,the Sony Walkman,was invented in Japan where the commuter trains areOn average,all three groups took more steps than usual.That said,certain versions of the game worked better forliterally crowded with people.people with different personality traits.For instance,players who were more outgoing and more motivated toWe will also not talk to strangers who are physically too far away,of course.No one wants to shout their smalltalk.Only on country buses or similar unhurried and uncrowded forms of public transport can people reach out to theirpersevere with their goals tended to accumulate more steps in the competitive mode.In contrast,quiet playersneighbors,confident that they are doing so from a position of strength and autonomy.responded well to the game whether it was competitive,cooperative,or supportive.A third type,made up of thoseFor all these drawbacks,the idea of talking to strangers is still a good one,and the promotion of sociability iswho were prone to take risks with their health and safety (by not wearing a seat belt,for example),was not helped bygood for society.Although it does seem to be a general rule that people are friendlier the fewer there are of them andthe game at all.more hostile and indifferent as cities get more crowded,there are still considerable cultural variations.And there isevidence that friendlier places are also healthier,and their inhabitants happier.So though not all of us benefit,exercise gamification can work-and work especially well when you keep yourIt is true that the apparent loneliness of many people on public transport is a false impression.personality in mind as you choose from among the many available appsMany will be caught up with conversations with distant friends on their phones;some will be talking to the8.What can we learn from paragraph 2?people in books.Some may be in willed solitude with their headphones.But there are always people who would beinterested in an unexpected conversation with a stranger.This need not go on for too long.A.Each participant chose their version of a gameIt is not large and possibly life-changing conversations that are what most people in loneliness miss most.What