

全国教辅类一级报纸新教材toLEARNING©NGLISH学关淫高二(B)(选择性必修3)第37期总0期2022年2月15日k主管单位山西省教育厅主办单位山西教育教辅传媒集团编辑出版学英语报社社长吕存明总编李若平编率©yEPy国统一刊号©142FtheP月(温馨提示:登录学英语报社官网h中p://www.xyybs.0om下载本期配套教学PP丁outereion.TEST YOURSELF学英语》务号《学英》订司nted本期资源码:tc8823Unit 8(选择性必修)B00k3do请扫幅上方二维码关注根杜微信公众号,在公众号中国复上方原或点击葉单“资源码”能入资源同ClassNameMarks(满分150分)er获取对应责源■试题命制:《学英语》报社试题测评组ain.ear第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)0n7.What is the probable relationship between13.Where will the speakers go this weekend?bish第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)the speakers?A.To a mountain.B.To a park.use例:How much is the shirt?andA.£19.15.B.£9.18C.£9.15A.Colleagues.C.To a gym.any答案是C。B.Father and daughter.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。C.Manager and customer.14.What are the speakers mainly talking about?ter,听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。A.A dressing competitionow1.How will the woman get more informationB.A fancy dress party.ish.about the exhibition?8.Why does the man make the phone call?C.A fashion show.eA.By making a phone call.A.To apply to join the football team.B.To book a ticket for a football match15.What is Les wearing?emB.By sending a text message.C.To get information about a football practice.A.A yellow hat.stryB.A red shirt.cherC.By sending a WeChat message.9.When is the first match?C.Blue trousers.usto2.Where does the conversation probably take place?16.What does the woman think of Debbie's shoes?herA.At a bus stop.B.At an airport.A.On September 13.7)C.At a train station.B.On September 14.A.Too high.B.Quite amazing.ave3.What does the man mean?C.On September 18.C.Very funnyfor10.What does the woman remind the man to do?17.Who is wearing a big coat?A.The woman is a good soccer playerA.Give Mr.Taylor his name.A.Amy.B.David.C.TonynedB.He isn't interested in soccerTake听第10段材料,回答第18至20题