2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案

2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


grinding(ureo theo for thebud heeseno e iyof cear rowylooknegerImmediately奋力地跑).wr,one lhle,Na8,Cap0 ndmyacbeforevExeied byutheiretethecnterowhich had bentpper.rntiooivhtetheyouger chlreHavinbio rhe(ortme thy pouonThe orphanage included ten“casas”,each housing a“family”of eight children.,OnealtemoonIwasinitedoCasaSanFrandseotoeatlunchwithoneofthe“amies,AsIwasserved my plate,three-yearold Maria splledherppellover my foodKnowingoeoug food a ein the pot,Edardotheees yoferdhis WhenIre,heswitched the plates anyway.Not until several weeksafter our return did Irealize,"Hey,I didn't get that computhe new dress."At the same time,I realized how much I might have missed had Inot goneonmy Bolivia trip.The gifts Ireceived from the orphaned children added nota singe poundtothe baggage I carried home,for the lasting gifts they gave me were those of joy,of friendship,and of growing up.24.How did the author feel when her mother announced the New Year's break arrangement?A.Scared and surprised.B.Calm and relaxed.C.Joyful and excited.D.Upset and disappointed.25.What can be learned about the children from paragraph 2?A.They were rehearsing for a big show.B.They were watching a basketball game.C.They welcomed the volunteers enthusiastically.D.They helped the volunteers'bus get through the rough road.26.Which of the following words can best describe Eduardo?A.Talented and talkative.B.Generous and considerateC.Cautious and brave.D.Reliable and devoted.27.What can be the best title for the text?A.An Unforgettable Sightseeing Tour in BoliviaB.Real Friendship Found in an OrphanageC.A Different Kind of New Year's BreakD.My Family's Volunteering TraditionOn a hot summer weekend,Jorge Ayub saw the public beach north of Boston alreadycrowded with nearly I million people drawn to the annual sand sculpture festival.Traffic onthe nearby road was heavy,bands played music loudly,and later that night fireworks wouldAnd on the sand were four pairs of tiny shorebirds.These chicks()were still toolight up the beach.young to fly and a precious addition to the national effort to save a bird once down to 139 pairsin Massachusetts.It was Mr.Ayub's job."Everyone made it,"Ayub,a coastal ecologistreported at the end of the long weekend watching over the nests.Once common,piping plovers()were hunted and then squeezed out of their habitatsby coastal development until,in 1986,the federal government listed the Atlantic Coast birdsas threatened.The bird's recovery has been halting.After three decades,the Atlanticpopulation stands just under the 2,000-pair goal set by federal law.But the star has been Massachusetts,which has seen plovers inerease to 687 pairs from139 pairs in 1986.One reason for that:"chick-sitting"in which conservationists sometimesspend all day watching over the birds.【22模拟调研·英语(六)第4页(共8页)新高考】