

Open Cambridge:Discover the Medicinal Gardenoius in exporing Madingley Hall's beautiful eight-acre gardens.Discover ures,riois,:tastes,and learn fascinating facts about herbs with professional herbalists and the garden team at:the Hall's Medicinal Garden.:Date:Sept.14Tickets:Free of charge36.The Cambridge Short Story Festival is suitable for people who are interested inA.technology批B.medicine,:C.literature:D.sociology:37.What are people advised to take to enjoy a magical cinematic experience?:A.Headphones.:B.Snacks.C.A deckchair.D.A blanket.::38.People can watch the adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's story onA.Sept.8B.Jun.22C.Aug.16箭:D.Sept.14:39.What can people do at Open Cambridge?:A.Decorate the eight-acre garden.B.Learn about some medical plants.:C.Grow medicinal plants in the gardens.D.Buy a controversial book about medicine.40.Which of the following costs you the least?A.Cambridge Short Story Festival.解B.Open Air Cinema:Bohemian Rhapsory(12A):C.Open Cambridge:Discover the Medicine Garden:D.Chapterhouse Open Air Theatre Presents:Treasure Island:家:高三英语试卷第5页共12页