

monitor and two of my classmates took part in it.二、词语、句子罗列One was Mary and the other was Jenny,who wasmy best friend.Mary gave a better speech and I1.词语thought she would be a better monitor.So I votedtime to stay with thefor her in the end.Later that day,Jenny asked me(1)play a very importwho I voted for and I told her the truth.Jennybecame unhappy and went home without me that用day.I became worried about losing her.But theinks so too.However,next momning,Jenny told me I had done right.She(2)improve our Englissaid she didn't want to lose a friend just becausemy grandparents livedid something right.第2版we visit them,there isCOLLECTIONS2.ups and downsWRITING1.refer to3.at the beginning4.date back to.…5.lead to6.in one directionnk that my grandparents7.in modern times8.make a request9.relate to...10.reach the goalow I have changed my11.by the way12.joke with sb.13.would you mind doingist watched TV on the14.不同的观点15.发展成不同的形式16.阅读经典著作them.One day,I knew17.看日本动漫18.非常重要19.在…中发挥更大作用20.欣赏中国文化扩写是指在主干good artist when he was21.找到具体信息22.听英语广播节目23.与俄罗斯人做生意24.学习一门新语言内容更丰富,句子表grandpa often gives me25.提高她的声音26.为后代所用27.官方语言28.汉字句法和整体扩句法。ached a point 5.MIND MAP1.animal bones and shells1.局部扩句,构ng on my own2.By the Shang Dynasty3.dialects and characters表达的需要,在句内ly interesting!Oh,it's4.in one direction5.Chinese culture成分,使句子的意思INTO THE TEXTS例一Seeing themorrow.1.which/that2.makingTom and Peter jumpe3.the4.were carved5.geographically6.states【解析】该句的7.importance8.by9.written10.amazing但在添加Seeing the1.whatwith wild exciteme&2.with3.words4.suggestionand Peter jumped的时5.helps6.herself7.to be8.opening例二The old ma9.The10.properlybe very kind.第3版阅读理解【解析】该句的主1-4 CDBCmiss her parents完形填空very kind。但在主语i1-5 BDAAB6-10 CCBACwith a white beard作定11-15 ACDBD语法填空的特2.startedas in junior high1.to take3.in4.interested例三The docume5.becoming6.admiration8.whenof Ernest Hemingway.th7.members10.ispopular novels in the 20th9.the大的困难)itin【解析]该句的主白focuses on the life of EErnest Hemingway后添加v nonular novelsn