


标准化试题磨OKEY CORNERbackpack and that wouldn't take up too the kitchen.There was a large piece of bread,fruit,:考全国卷保持One⊙8ossible version:第12期参考答案Dear Olivia,全国大多数普small第T版I need to design a poster for an earthquake drillI couldn't find books in English at the mouse dragged the country mouse and ran away.GRAMMARto be held at our school next Friday.I wonder if you高一课local bookstore,I wasn't stuck without:Breathing heavily after hiding in the hole,thewould have time to help me with the design.课标版的内L.I.My brother works for a magazine that/which issomething to read.country mouse was unable to understand the cityI know you are good at computer drawing.(2)学生问:What books do you like to read?nou's behavior.However,in the following为A版和B月The boy whothe same thing happened.The country mouse felt soWould you please design some pictures for me?I'm/that has a lot of friends is lucky录音答:I like to read books on various subjects版主要提供3.Linda is a girl whose friends depend on her.such as historical fiction,classicnervous living in the city that he decided to go back4.I took piano lessons from a woman who that isto the country.The city mouse was so embarrassed辅导练习、课adventure stories.I have been readingorremy mother's friend.:.that he could not do anythingmy version.sciencefiction books recently.And内容:B版除5.That's the house that/which I grew up in withread everything I can get in my spare参考答案Thank you very much for any help.you canmy sister Emiliatime.I don't want to waste my time.PartA略provide.I'm looking forward to your reply.考标准化试6.Rome is a city that/which attracts a lot of:(3)学生间:How do I develop my reading habit?PartB略(见听说材料)Li Hua检测试题外,tourists录音答:Setting aside timePart CII.1.who /that2 whoseYouread is a great start第二节an carry a4.whom/that/whobook on your phone or信息点:One possible version:的学生准备了3.which/thaan eReader.Make it a habit to read1.A city mouse went on a visit to his cousin in theWhen we arrived back at the orchard.I was除上述产品5.whose6.who /whom/thatduring breakfast and lunch.And if yousurprised to see some of my apples were missing7.who that8.which/thatalso read before you go to bed,you cantry mouse prepared rice,beans,and driedng too He looke学年,《英语周听力训练(六)read three times a dayfruit to welcome the city mouse.大师生编辑1-5 CABBA6-10 CABBAs pick a few11.collection3.The city mouse laughed at the food and talkedLukmore and go12.110/one hundred and ten13.living(I)录音问:What book is Josh reading?proudly about his life in the city.climbed up a tree.I quickly picked apples fr14.share4.The city mouse invited the country mouse to histhe lower branches.Then came a strange sound.版。高一阅听说测试(六】of Nowlooked around and tried to see who was thereA版和B版(2)录音问:Why didn'tjos听说材料学生答:He didn'twant to,read-5.The twoet off and arrived at the city mouse'sBranches reached out like arms.Something bruagainstback.I shouted."What's the版部分(A版PartA略(3)录音问:Why did Josh pack the eReader?课标理念,严Part BW:Today weare very honored to have Josh with us学生答:Because it wouldn't take up too much6.The city mouse led the country mouse to thekitchen.There was a large piece of bread,fruit,sound came again.I tumned and relaxed.It wasMr.Smith's horse,Sandy.He almost frightened me涵盖三大主殿today.we are going to talk about reading habits.and cheese on the table.(4录音间:What books has Josh been reading:7.The country mouse began enjoying delicious food.to death.M:Thank you for inviting me,Mary.文阅读、课标recently?W:Josh what are you reading?学生答:Science fiction booksIt was right then that the opened“NHandwe know who ate our刊阅读和文学M:I amreading the book The Power of Nowwrittena(⑤)录音间:How many times does Josh suggestmancame in.The citymouse draggedthelaughing."YoufouncmyMby Eckhart Tole It is on the bestser listcountry mouse and ran away.when he saw Luke and I walking down the bill with助广大学生在reading every day?8.In the following days,the same thing happened.Sandy.I smiled and asked him whether he knewW:What is it about?was the mystery of the apple orchard.阔眼界的同M:Ah..it's about self-help.It gives you some学生答,Three times.9.The country mouse felt so nervous living in thePart Cinformation that might help chancity that he decided to go back to the countryMr.Smith shook his head and said that he'd heard能。测试版strange things were happeaing up there but he didn'W:I must be interege your lifeA city mouse and a country mouse10.The city mouse was so embarrased that he couldOnce upon a time,a city mouse went on a visitnot do anything.now it was Sandy."So it is not surprising that he s高一课标提read.to his cousin in theThecountry mo第2-4版always running off,Mr.Smith added.We alllaughed.标准化试题,!M:Actually,I was once a paperback lover andIprepared rice,beans,and dried fruit to welcome him必修一UNIT4didn't want to read on a screenHowever,the city mouse laughed at the food and1-5 CCBAC6-10 DDCBB11-15 CBCAA教材同步辅导changed my mind after that traveHowever,talked proudly about his life in the city.Then the city16-20 GRADE21-25 DCBAD26-30 CBACC于重点中学、mouse invited thecountry mouse to his house.31-35ADBAB37sooner said than done.The two mice set offand38.worse40.highly普通中学重点arrived at the city mouse's house late at night.The 41.to make42.by43.their阅读版部分义country mouse was so surprised at how beautiful the44.45.that/whichneeded something I could throw in myhouse was.The city mouseTed thecountry mouse to写作全方位服务英语教师教备了音频以及识别报纸中自
本文标签: 学年高三第答案