河南省2023~2024学年度八年级综合素养评估(一)[PGZX C HEN]英语试题

河南省2023~2024学年度八年级综合素养评估(一)[PGZX C HEN]英语试题正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。


都分:引入古题(吹维忘的经历):第二部分:具体描述事件的发生、发展以动,请结合自身经历,用英语写一篇短文投稿。及结【范文展示】注意:1.词数100左右;第三部分:表达自己的感受或对事件的评62.不必写标题。论。三、组织语言An Unforgettable Experience普通表达高级表达Here is something that I can't forgetLast Friday,a sports meeting was held in·'1neverOne of my mostforget...unforgettable expe-our school.I worked as a volunteer to providehelp to others.Suddenly,I saw a player fall掌上周报引·I willremem-riences was...while running in a race.His leg was bleeding,微信小程序ber...forever...will live in my·Hereis some.mind for a longand he couldn't stand up even though he tried题thingthattime.several times.Without any hesitation,I helpedcan't forget.。Here is something本报采编中心that I will alwayshim up,put him on my back and ran to theschool clinic.On the way,I told him some jokes(本版参考答案见下期第3版:recall(回想起).and interesting查看答案,请打开微信扫一扫,storiesto make him happy进入“掌上周报”小程序)KEY CORNERlittle-known historical facts that have had a hugeext 9)Unit 16 Lessons 1 &2ay's world.M:Thworld of art hit the fro31-35 DADDA36-40 GDFEC41-45DACR0听力材料及参考答案be discussing a topic fromhistory.heth46-50BDAD051-55 ACBDA56-60 CDARDston61.who62.graduatednational ne64.to practice65.immediately63.teaching听力材料disappearance of some paintings from a museumcentury Europe.al newspaper described it asom66.a67.atW:168.successful(Text 1)art advisoran70.instruction69.namedW:Thanks for recommending the play.How did youLucy,can Iaskfor an expert opinion on this issue.(Text 7)W:Well it has rr opinion of the sculpture?短文改错hear about it?n charm and I don't think it'sspend-spentM:My friend John heard about it on the radio andM:Amy,did you study any foreign languages in highexpensive for a work of this kind.Anthat is not easylisten→listeningschool?73suggested I go to see it.There have been someenvironment is a positive factor inthat-→itgood reviews in the newspapers,but I didn't seeW:Yes,I took French for two years.Then I majoredattracting and keeping staff;patients can recoverphysical probmproblem-problemsthem.in Japanese in college,and I studied Spanish for aquicker too.is lucky than...lucky-→luckieryear during my lunch break.M:Why is it that more andmoreinstitutions76....which are of.which→who/thal(Text 2)M:Hello,LindaM:And how much French can you remember?hospitals,for example,are spending money on artlives with their children.→hW:Not much!W:sems rather new here.but78.but most of.W:Hello,Mr.Black.I just called to say thank you.talk long as..but或but-yetlong前加asI've just had my results.I'd never have done soM:Well,I've just read this article about the state oflanguage learning in schools in the US.It findsin France,you'll see large public art projects alllisten to her patient.patient→patientlywell if you hadn't pushed me last term!I never书面表达that adults only rememberaround you.French people think that environmentsabout seven wordscould be made more attractive with.well-choOne possible version:高度found the subject interesting until I got into yourclassfrom the languages they studied at school.Theyworks of art.Art can alsotogetherhelpDear Sir or Madam,only remember common words like hello,goodbyePeopletalkabout(Text 3)m writing to tell you how delighted I am to seeand thank you.M:My favorite author is going to be at the bookshopW:Only seven words?It's hard to believe.What(Text 10)the new library open.It's so beautiful and wellnext month!She'll be reading from herlanguages do students study in schools today?My name is Jenny Gardener,an actress.I knewequipped that I'd like to spend my spare time there,科学latesbut Ive still found some problemsnovel,Philo and Burke,at 7 pm on April 24th.M:Hangon a minute;there's a listhereFirstthere aren't enough seats in the readingThere's a book-signing event on the 25th.somewhereHere it is.It says0%of students三川dad is an actor,so I'd been to someom,which means it is not convenient for readers to深度W:Yes,I know.Tickets for-both can be purchasedstudy Spanish,25%study French,22%studyperformances and knew about the hard work actinginvolves.At high school,students in their last yeatake notes when reading.Besides,the library isfrom the 21st.I plan to book early.Chinese,and 2%study Russian.closed on weekends when students likehad theo spend two weeks getting wormehave(Text 4)(Text 8)M:What do you think you'll be doing in 20 years?M:We had good sales from December to Februarywork environment.Mymore time to enjoy reading.My suggestion is thatthe library should provide more seats and open on助力W:Perhaps live in a beautiful cottage in Italy and sellIn general,our sales have steadily increased.veekends.helped in a class of nine-year-olds.My father wantedmy pictures of the local landscape.W:Yes,the limited edition items sold very well.ButI would appreciate it if you could consider myM:That makes sense.You're a talented painter.I'Iorry.thatthenew productlaunched inme to work for a law firm.But I spent time in atheater and got to see theadvice and takeMarch didn't sell well.of thee measures to solve the problems.be a businessman getting rich in New York.preparingYours sincerely,订阅(Text 5)M:We had slow sales in October and March.Octobersales were the worst monthly sales.they set the stage and how theLi HuaM:So,was the exercise useful?costumes were made,and working with the lighting选做题参考答案W:Ah,个人订户:you seea new coffee shop opened in thisW:Yes.I lied on my stomach,and moved my armswas the best bit.1-4 DADOneighborhood in October,and our customers wentfrom above my head down to my sides.All the1订阅热线:03there in the beginning.tension went out of my shoulders.I felt lessM:Yes.But I'm relieved to see that our customersgivbut instead,it was a small parta Tcommercial.Last vear was an especa◆英语周报订阅号◇2扫描下方stressed afterwardsare coming back now.We will have to come upIn a(Text 6)with some new ideas to keep those customersgood year for me.I appeared in a popular soap opera!初高中英语学习▣▣M:Hi,everyone.I'm Raul Bautista.coming back.参考答案W:And I'm Paula.And this is History with Raul andW:Besides our regular coffee products,we can offer1-5ABCAC 6-10 CACBA11-15 BBCBA中高考教育资讯Paula,the weekly program where we investigatemore side dishes16-20AABCB21-25 ABADA26-30 ACDDC在线订阅英语周报▣主编:杨慧英责编:王亭刘姗姗审读:刘汉卿校对:李珺美编:刘爱前●报社地址:山西省太原市晋阳街22号英语周报社0邮编:030006●电话:0351-7773933周诗:全国各地邮局(所)●即购补订:本报发行部0订阅热线:0351-733565●广告经营许可证号:音士商护字0100003S●排版:本报激光照排中心●印刷:郑州彩嘉印务有限公司集体订户:请咨
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