

必修一Unit3综合评估参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 CBACA6-10 BAACB11-15 BCCBA16-20 ABACB21-25 ACADA 26-30 DBDCB31-35 CCDBD 36-40 EGFDC41-45 BADAC 46-50 DBACD51-55 BACDB56.finally57.to58.working59.began60.older61.times62.a63.me64.to receive65.as写作第一节One possible version:Dear Ms Evans,I'm writing to express my thanks for your great support for our English newspaper.In the past three years,you've done so much to improve our English newspaper.You've spent lotsof time discussing how to choose and improve newspaper articles with us.Besides,you've givenus advice about editing and publishing an English newspaper.With your support,our Englishnewspaper has become more and more popular.I wonder whether it might be possible for you towrite articles for our newspaper after you return home.I'm looking forward to your reply