衡水金卷先享题·月考卷 2023-2024学年度上学期高三年级一调考试英语答案

衡水金卷先享题·月考卷 2023-2024学年度上学期高三年级一调考试英语答案正在持续更新,目前全国100所名校单元测试示范卷答案网为大家整理了相关试题及答案,供大家查缺补漏,高效提升成绩。

students around me were trying their best to get good grades可知,作者升入高中后发现,自己身边的人都在忙着学习、考高分。25.B。理解文章结构。根据第二段中的It was surprising for me to find out that my friends,.including my bestfriend,were no longer willing to meet very often after school可知,作者惊奇地发现,他的朋友,包括他最好的朋友,都不愿意像从前一样,在放学后经常见面,反而是一心扑在学习上。这也使得作者意识到仿佛是自己放错了高中生活的重心。由此可知,Ts指代“作者的朋友们不像从前那般频繁见面”。26.D。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的I was wrong,and this challenge taught me that having fun in highschool does not just mean going to parties or spending time in cafes.Instead,you can have an enjoyableexperience that will also be good for your future可知,作者从这次的经历中认识到,高中生活的快乐并不是建立在参加聚会或者在咖啡厅消遣之上;相反,做一些对自己未来有助益的事同样会让自己的高中生活充满乐趣。27.A。推断。作者在文中分享了自己升入高中后遇到的挑战:没有正确意识到高中生活的意义,幻想着和从前一样与朋友们一起度过快乐的时光,而不是集中精力学习。最终在他好朋友的帮助下,作者端正了学习态度,感受到了高中生活的乐趣。文章第三段中的this challenge指出了作者遇到的挑战。C篇主题语境:人与自我一一做人与做事本文是说明文。West Side Elementary School学校的两名老师带领着学生发起了公益项目,旨在鼓励困境中的人们。28.C。理解具体信息。根据第一段以及第二段中的These are a few of the encouraging messages and wordsof wisdom callers hear when they call the Peptoc Hotline可知,Peptoc Hotline会向求助者们传递带有励志的话语和至理名言。29.B。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的After all,the community had been through so much.Wildfires.COVID-19.And yet,Martin says of her students,"They're resilient and keep their happiness."The Peptocproject celebrates this through art可知,West Side Elementary School所在的社区遭受了诸多的不幸,但是他们的学生有着很强的适应力,依然保持着积极快乐的心态,P©ptoc项目就是通过艺术的形式来赞美他们。30.A。推断。根据第四段中的To come up with ideas for posters,Weiss and Martin showed students workkids have put up more than 150 posters around Healdsburg so far以及第五段中的Ask a kid for advice.,she says,and“they can come up with three or four different ideas..”可知,Martin认为孩子们想法很多,创意十足。3l.A。推断。根据最后一段中的In its first six weeks,.Martin says,the Peptoc Hotline got nearly5 millioncalls from around the world For Martin and Weiss,the project shows students..."It really does just take afew words of kindness to encourage others.”可知,Peptoc项目为世界上不同地方的人带去了鼓励,产生了很大的影响。D篇主题语境:人与自我一一生活与学习本文是说明文。作者是一名高中老师,她的学校开展了一项教学改革,让开学第一天变得更有趣。32.B。推断。根据第一段中的If a student hears the same things in seven classes,you can't blame them forthinking it's going to be another long year.When the high schoolers'parents ask what they did in school,it's prettylikely that the answer will be“Nothing.”可知,本段猫述的开学第一天太无趣了。33.A。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的She keeps the responses until the last day of the school year…shebegins the English course可知,在学年末,那位英语老师的学生们会知道自己对英语课的期望是否达到了。34.B。推断。根据第三段中不同科目的老师组织的不同课堂活动可知,在开学第一天这些老师都组织了一些有趣的课堂活动,以激发学生的兴趣。35.D。理解观点、态度。根据第二段中的It doesn't have to be this way..Kids always want exciting changesand you can give them a taste of how interesting your course will be和最后一段中的Many teachers choose to