


DHeadlines appear in the news about the latest natural disaster (tied to the influenceof climate(change nearly every day.This influence is only expected to worsen,andlarge parts of the public report feel worried about their future.Traditionally,fighting worry can mean going to hospital,exercising or more.However,climate worry is a product of its own.While overcoming common worry is a personal travel,experts say communities (must unite to clean off this danger.Sarah Jaquette Ray,a professor of environmental studies,tells Popular Science that cli-mate worry isn't the same as common worries.Climate worry connects to a danger to us all.Ray says that one of the best ways for people to deal with their climate worry is to take cli-mate action.Feeling like they're part of a group doing something about the problem can pro-vide comfort for a worried person and build a community of similarly climate-minded persons.If you aren't feeling worried about climate change but know someone who is,there are afew ways to be useful in helping them.First,Ray says,don't tell those experiencing it thatclimate change is not a problem they can deal with and they needn't worry about it.This typeof advice is called“toxic positivity(有毒的积极性)”when someone tells others to stay posi-tive without thinking about their conditions and feelings.Being told to "think positively"canhave a bad influence on worried patients.Governments and other big players can do two things to help with a climate worry trou-ble:do more to deal with climate change and give money to help health programs.Importantlythis worry comes from people feeling like not enough is being done to address the problem.But considering the climate will continue to get worse no matter how quickly governments act,people will still need support.If you're finding yourself worried about climate change,you aren't alone.Luckily,nowclimate communities are worldwide.Getting in,talking to other people fighting with climateworry,and using those feelings to push for real change can help better your mind.32.What does Ray think of climate worry?A.It is reported every day.B.It joins a danger to all humans.C.It is a disaster for all humans.D.It helps deal with natural disaster.33.Why does the author mention "toxic positivity"?A.To advise people to help others.B.To ask people to avoid disasters.C.To encourage people to keep positive.D.To tell people to think twice before giving advice.34.What does Ray advise people who worry about climate change to do?A.To see a doctor.【高一英语第6页(共10页)】·23-21A·
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