

【答案与解析】本文是一箱记叙文。作者的妈妈去世后,妈妈的车和与妈妈服车兜风的经历成了作者为数不多的关于妈妈的回忆。成家后的作者褐望自己的家人能和妈妈有一种切实的连接,因此作者通过努力买回了妈妈的车,也重新建立起了他褐望已久的家庭联系2.D推理判断题。根据第二段m always wore her big sunglasses,with a scarf tied carefully over her head to protect her sakn-styledhair.I felt I was riding with a Hollywood star.."可推断,在作者的印象中,妈妈是一位十分时尚的女性.25.B词义猪测题。根据国线问前“I'd connected with him years before,.sking if he might be interested in selling."及第四段“Sil,Icouldn't let go ol the idea ol one day owning it.,.”瓶卧,国线问的意思与Relused的意思最为接近.26C细节理解题。根据第一段及第五段可知,那个收藏家给作者发电子邮件是为了面何作者是否依然想要买那柄车,如果是的话,作者可以拥有优先购买的机会。27.B主旨大意题.通读全文,尤其是第四段“..I wished my mom was there to see us all..I told my kids stories about theirgrandmother.But a story wasn't the same as a real connection.I'd often imagined that a ride in Mom's car would change all ofh.”及最后四段可知,文章主要是以妈妈的车(即一种家庭连接)为线素,讲述了作者为买回这辆车(即重新建立起这种连接)所做的务力:【答案与解析】本文是一箔说明文。大多数农场位于农村地区,用淡水灌溉。现在,苏格兰的一家初创公司在商岸附近种植农作钧,并利用衔水种植农作物。利用海水进行灌溉可能会给食物日渐匮乏的世界带来改变.28D推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,人口的增长迫切需要食物生产的增长,但是谈水占比很少而且日渐减少。又根据第一段“Using the water of the ocean for irrigation can be a game changer for a hungry world"可推断,第二段主要说男用商水种植农作物的必要性。29.B细节理解题。根据第三段"Seawater Solutions was created to address the issues of coastal communities that face the urgentconcern of land salinization(盐渍化),according to the organization's website."可知,Seawater Solutions的建立主要是为了应对盐清化可题。30.A钿节理解题.根据第五段“The new farmlane.,Then the ecpeystem will be used for saline plants,which can be used【or【ood,biofuels,.sea-plant animal【oads,and as raw materials for cosmetics.”可知,用商水灌溉的新的农田中的恤物用途广泛.31.A推理判断题。根据i化后一段,尤J其是“Downhill Farm in Ayrshire.Scotland uses water from the Atlantic Ocean to growcrops."While growing crops in seawater is a hard sell,it is an emvironmentally sound way to meet the food demands of agrowing world population."可推断,作者认为Seawater Solutions在苏格兰用海水种植农作物的这个项目是值得一定的认可的。【答案与解析】本文是一篇说明文。实脸研究表明,利他主义的给予可能开始于幼儿时期。32.A细节理解题.根据第三段Rodolfo Cortes Barragan所说的话可知,他主要闲释了以幼儿为研究对象的原因33.C细节理解题.根据第四段“n their first experiment,which imolved48 infants that were only around 19 months old,theresearchers began by showing each child a piece of child-friendly fruit.They then either threw the fruit gently onto the floor withinhe infants'reach without sbowing any emotion.."可知,研究人员们向幼儿f们展示了诱人的水果。3l.D代i问指代题。根据线词前The team found that the display of reaching for the fruit,which showed the adults'desire for it,could get a belping response in the infants,with over half picking it up to give it back to the adults.”可推断,再线i问指代“f助成年人拿到水果”35.D标题判断题.通读全文,尤其是文章第一段和最后一段“These findings led the【eam to conclude that ki山s have a tendenry tospontaneously help strangers."可知,文章主要介绍了一个实验研究及其得出的结论一一利他主义的给予可能开始于幼儿时期【答案与解析】本文是一箱说明文。文章主要介留了四条应对把腓症的建议。36.A"But changes that indlude bealthy eating habits,regular exercise and other lifestyle adjustments can help fight againstobesity and result in a better quality of life,”及下文提到的四条建议可知,A项符合.37.G根据本段的小标题及空后的内容可知,G项“在开始减肥之前,最好和医生讨论一下你的情况”符合38.D根据空后“you'll want to set smaller goals akng the way to keep you motivated and working toward your fimal goal weight."可知,D项“因为减把对于想有肥胖症的你来说是一场马拉松比赛“符合.39.B通读本段的内容可知,本段主要讲述的是为减肥而进行的饮食调整,故B项符合。C项“藏少食物摄人量”贝是一个方面,不馆作为本段的小标题。40.F根据空前Adults should do at least 110 minutes a week of moderate-intensity cardio(中等强度的有氧运动),such as walkingand biking,or 75 minutes a week of high-intensity cardo like running.Physical activity should be spread out through the week."空后“those numbers are something you can work toward.Being patient with yourself is key."可知,F项“如果那些运动量对你来说太大,你不需要立刻达到那个运动量”符合。【答案与解析】本文是一篇议论文。当我们无力前行的时候,朋友总会支持和帮助我们.朋友总会用行动告诉我们我们并不孤单。也许有时候朋友不知道如何帮忙,但是他们会坚持陪伴着我们。本文以一位作家和其朋友之可的故事为例证。41.D“我”们找不到前进(push ahead)的方法.【高三9月质量检测,英语签考答案第3页(共6页)】